
This program is like no other program out there.  The program is spilling over with content and support. Whether you are just starting a business or have been in business for years…the program discusses what stories you are bring to your business, what beliefs that you are bringing to our business and provides practical tools to utilize to express yourself through your business.

You have called in a business to do something bigger first for yourself and then others. You and your business require support. With the Soul and the Divine business is always good.

In this transformational time, I sat down and really listened what wanted to be birth through me to support Spiritual Renegades – what was delivered was the principles of the Soul2Business.

Please click here to receive those principles.

You are committed to creating a difference in the world and with your clients, and your business is the vehicle for that change.

So often when a spiritually guided entrepreneur opens a business, they forget one important fact: it’s a business.  All training and intuition for themselves forgotten when a master healer or a Spiritual Renegade puts a value on their abilities. This program will support you, your business and your community.

This program is designed to support you – the metaphysical expert – so you can receive from your gifts and talents as you create change for your clients and the world. It is designed to operate from Soul and receive.

This program is for you:

  • You want to pivot now and learn more how to connect to your business Soul to lead through that lens
  • You know you have gifts and talents and are having trouble receiving the value for them
  • You want to reach a new level of success in your business
  • You get tongue-tied when you have to market your business
  • You keep attracting the wrong people and want to change that
  • You don’t have systems in place so your business runs smoothly
  • You feel overworked and undervalued

What are the elements of the program?

  • One class per month focusing on one of Soul2Business principles. Click here to receive your copy of those principles.
  • Classes are on the second Monday (April 13th, May 11th, June 8th, July and 13th) of each month at 4 pm PT, 5 pm MT, 6 pm CT, 7:00 pm ET. Please note that there will be an 7 am ET class as well for those in Europe.
  • One tool focusing on that principle to create a closeness between you and your business Soul and one practical business tool to cement or up level the structure of your business.
  • Access to me, via a Facebook group, for daily support and to seek and receive resources.

Investment: $87 (yup, for four months)

If you don’t have your Soul Languages Identified and your Business Soul Languages Identified, please reach out to me for a special investment fee for those sessions.

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