Spiritual Money Management

Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart

My relationship with money is based on freedom. This spiritual money management isn’t based on heartbreak or pain, it is based on knowing that it is my Divine right to receive and be abundant - but it wasn’t always this way. You too can have a relationship with money based on freedom and abundance.

Heartbreak happens around money when you may have had experiences with . . .

Watch the video below to receive more money

Spiritual Money Management Course
A 3-part online course:

Class One: Taking Responsibility

  • What does responsibility mean?
    (My answer might surprise you!)
  • Acceptance.
  • Your relationship with money.
  • Energy leaks.
  • Money and Love
  • Connection with the Divine.
  • Healing the heartbreak
  • Power and Money

and many more…

Class Two: Understanding, Voicing and Accepting Your Heartbreak

  • 5 ways of dealing with conflict
  • Accepting and cutting ties with your old story
  • Understanding the heartbreak and letting go
  • The impact of personal beliefs and laws
  • New relationship with money
  • Activations
  • Staying present
  • Expecting

and many more…

Class Three: Stepping Into, Creating and Receiving the Possibility of Unlimited Wealth Consciousness

  • Layers in wealth consciousness
  • Different tools for understanding ourselves
  • Soul languages and Money
  • Power vs. Force with money
  • Forgiveness exercise around shame and debt
  • Connecting to your energetic wealth stream
  • Appreciation exercise
  • Resources vs Source

and many more…

Click the button below to purchase this gem-packed 3-part online course for $97!

Have you had experiences with…

  • not being able to pay your bills on time
  • going through great financial loss
  • having to ask for help with money and feeling shame around it
  • broken trust in money transactions
  • bankruptcy
  • deep feelings of not receiving what you paid for.
  • feeling like you are always robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  • struggling in relationship with money all your life.
  • addictive behaviors around money.

If you said YES to any of these money problems, isn’t it time to heal your money heartbreak?

Everything you create starts within…

If you are holding on to pain around money from the past, then you are creating based on that pain…

Any pain or lack within your heart shows up in your relationship with money.

All heartbreaks impact your receiving, your wealth and your relationship with money!

You can heal this heartbreak and experience these results:

  • a life based on pleasure not cost
  • a profound sense of safety
  • knowing that it is your right to receive and be abundant
  • a deep connection to your energetic wealth stream
  • money flowing to you from different sources
  • a new level of income in your business
  • a new awareness that money is yours to have
  • a new understanding that money isn’t going to abandon you

Jennifer Bloome and I, Jennifer Urezzio, want to share with others all the knowledge we used to transform our relationship with money. This spiritual money relationship management we utilized created freedom and abundance in our lives. We want to share that information so we have created our 3-part ‘Coming Back’ online course. This program is full of tangible internal and external tools you can use so you can have a relationship with money that is based on freedom and safety.

This three-part spiritual money management series is designed to provide direction and strategies to help you rebuild and up-level your wealth consciousness.

It is about creating a new powerful relationship with wealth (which will impact every channel of receiving in your life).

Investment: $97

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