
"Jennifer is an extraordinary individual whose soul work reaches profound depths. She guided me in identifying my soul language, a revelation that now resonates deeply with me. More significantly, Jennifer facilitated a breakthrough by helping me uncover a hidden block I was unaware of. One of Jennifer’s most remarkable gifts is her ability to unearth buried traumas, illuminating what has long been forgotten. Jennifer is the person to turn to if you seek a genuine connection with your soul through soul work. She truly is a gift."

Iris Goldfeder CEO GasStoveCreative

“Jennifer helped me shift a limiting belief. She is gifted and ready to help. I appreciate you. Thank you.”

Chella Diaz

"Jennifer - blew my mind.  I had zero clue what I was walking into, but my intuition was a 'yes.'

She pegged me immediately without any of my background story.  And asked me about ideas I hadn't verbalized anywhere online...yet.

I couldn't WAIT to get started and get more insight and alignment from Jennifer.  She's a blessing."

Ashleigh Kilcup

"Jennifer is great at what she does, which was to help me tap into my heart and really listen, and in doing so, I was able to break through some barriers I was having. She is no-nonsense and gets straight to it without wasting any time. She is really good at helping you to boost your confidence and help you realize your value as a healer. I am very grateful for the time I spent with her."

Tara Chatterton


Quick, Deep, No BS

“My discovery session with Jennifer was less than 30 mins and I left with a lifetime worth of knowledge. Priceless. Jennifer is someone who can see, hear, and know the other. She has mad skills. Her experience within her system allows her to be very successful very quickly. Money and time are not wasted here.”

Cory S.

“I’m so appreciative of our session, and the valuable insight it provided me with. I’m looking forward to exploring more about myself with Jennifer’s superior guidance and unique gifts. I would recommend this experience to anyone and hope that many will take this golden opportunity for personal expansion!”

Marcy Neumann
President/CEO, Heartlites Incorporated

Jennifer’s Soul Language Program is Ah-Mazing!!

"I’ve been hearing about Soul Language from a group of practitioners for years. I kept thinking that I didn’t need one more self help reading. I got to a point in my life where I felt there was an aspect of me that I couldn’t reach. I called Jennifer directly and signed on to a Soul Language Intensive and am so glad I did! She is an expert at getting to the core of the blocks keeping me from communicating with the deepest part of myself. I now have clear tools for Soul Connection and Direction."

Trisha Schmalhofer

"Thank you Jennifer for our session. I got some great wisdom and courage with what you shared with me. Just touched my soul completely and spoke to my core. Things I have been mulling around already and you spoke to it in a way that has inspired me express another level of my soul completely. Just adore your no-nonsense delivery shared with so much compassion and love."

 Luanne Mareen

Amazing New Information

"Jennifer brings a brand new way of knowing thyself through the soul language. I was given new information about myself and about my business. Knowing my soul's and my business's inner desires gave me a lot of peace, and plenty of food for thought and for new ways to take both into the next steps. With Jennifer, I found a new piece to fit into my big puzzle!"


A Catalyst for Growth

Wow. Had an amazing Soul id session with Jennifer just a few weeks ago. Things got set in motion rather quickly after some retreat and meditation time. I put together a new healing modality (that I had all the pieces for but just didn't know it) and am finishing the teaching manual for it now. Have had some amazing client sessions since then and incredible healing sessions in my group mastermind. Thank you Jennifer. You are a sublime gift!"

Kathryn Mussell

Love Working with Jennifer

"I knew just from hearing Jennifer on an interview, prior to our first session, that she could provide the insight and intuition I needed to re-align with who I am . I've only so far had one session to date, but in this one session, I learned what my life is missing: FUN!! I really loved learning about my soul languages and I now have ideas of how to bring fun into my life. Jennifer is super smart, super intuitive, and super helpful."

Gina M

True Clarity

"I utilized Jennifer’s services in combination with another program that I’m currently enrolled in. Thanks to her & this session, I felt a sense of true clarity that has helped me to take action in my business & in my personal life. You won’t regret signing up for a session & letting Jennifer help you, too!"

Valerie Martinelli

Life Changing Experience!

Jennifer's ability to open my heart, and clear pathways for me to hear my soul languages has completely changed how I experience my day. I feel whole and able to express myself with greater clarity. Jennifer's gift in identifying Soul Language can help anyone live consciously. An amazing process - each time I listen to my session, I understand me better and I'm having way more fun too!!

Alissa Okrent


Meet Jen Moff - Case Study

Who is Jen Moff?

In my former life as a public relations expert, we regularly used case studies to illustrate the importance of a product or service. These were often manipulated, and just the right questions were asked.

Recently, clients have been sharing with me about the results of connecting to their Souls and that collaboration together. So I thought it was time to put it all in writing. You can read about how one individual is connecting and listening to both her personal Soul and the Soul of her business below.

For members of the community that know their Soul Languages, this might provide an expansion about how to tap in and utilize your Soul.

What challenges in your business or life influenced you to seek support from your Soul?

I could sense I was emerging from a period of contraction in business and life. And I'd become aware that I'd outgrown my current branding as a coach. That term didn't even resonate with me anymore and I knew I was playing small.

What were some of the big "ah-ha's" after collaborating with Jennifer and listening to your Soul and the Soul of your business?

That I'd stopped having fun. Finding the fun wasn't as hard as I'd believed. I now have a clear approach to make sure I'm having fun (and am in alignment): Play, Presence, Power (the three Ps). How I live and work, what I commit to and create has to hit all these points. And if I feel bored, exhausted, etc. I can easily see which of the three Ps I'm missing and shake things up to find the fun again. Plus, Jennifer suggested an exercise to identify all the tools I have to use to work with clients and branded them using the three Ps. I could see I had way more Presence tools and the Power and Play tools had been neglected. So now I know what to create.

My business Soul Languages are: Negotiator, Teacher, and Purist. Having them identified showed me how often I let the Soul of my business lead me. These resonated immediately whereas my personal Soul Languages took some time to own.

I use mindfulness in a way that hasn't been seen before. I use it to help me get what I want. And I show others how to do that as well. But I'd never really seen it that way before.

What have been the benefits you've experienced from collaborating with your Soul?

I have a clear way to determine whether or not I do something and how I get to do it. It makes decision-making so much simpler.

I have a list of 20 of my gifts, talents, and abilities. Having this tangible list helps me remind myself when I forget that I am whole and complete. It was helpful to get reflection from people in my life.

I have three new speaking topics/themes that are further in alignment with where I'm headed. This helps further support me in getting back on stage. As a former actor, I've realized I miss it dearly. I've developed a new style; edu-tainer. Educate (hat tip to my Teacher business Soul Language) and Entertain.

My website no longer has language on it that implies we aren't whole and complete. So now I'm not attracting people who aren't ready to work on themselves and their relationships.

A huge benefit is connecting with God in a way I'd neglected, albeit unintentionally.

Can you offer some tangible results from this work?

I have a Rolodex of over 100 tools to use with clients.

I've purchased a new domain for a course on using mindfulness to get what you want I'll be bringing into the world this year.

I created a self-care bingo for my Facebook group. It totally hits all three Ps. Seven days into the marketing I am already halfway to my sales goal.

How has the way you do business or "do" your life changed after collaborating with your Soul and the Soul of your business? 

I've relaxed a lot. I struggled with owning some complexities within me. I can hold space and find genuine compassion as an intuitive empath. I can also get uber sassy and direct plus drop some four letter words when I'm feeling feisty and need to hold someone in their lane. Jennifer was quick to help me see, 'It's how I wield the sword'. Immediately the disconnect was gone. I haven't thought twice about it since.

Who is Jen Moff?

Jen Moff is a motivational speaker empowering single, entrepreneurial women. She’s been called highly insightful; a powerhouse and a creative Tasmanian devil. Jen helps single, success-oriented women to have a business and life that is uniquely them so that years from now they’ll look back incredibly satisfied!

How does she make this magic happen? Jen’s unique ability to simplify complex ideas while generating radically creative, strategic solutions can be found in her self-paced online programs and products, Idea Jen sessions, her Rose Quartz Inner Circle mastermind for driven women entrepreneurs, her private mentorship, and through everything she creates and shares online.

Jen’s work has been featured on Thrive Global, Buzzfeed, and MeetMindful. Utilizing her skills as a trained actor as well as her experiential life lessons on relationships with simple business guidance and a comprehensive understanding of spiritual and energetic principles, Jen is sure to entertain while empowering you. Her purpose is to be fully seen doing what lights her up and having fun in all she does; inspiring, empowering, and impacting women to do the same.

Jen put herself through school, working full-time managing two privately-owned ATT stores, and earned a BFA in Communications and Public Relations. She previously studied and worked professionally as an actor specializing in method acting and improvisation.

At 39, she celebrates being a highly successful childfree-by-choice entrepreneur; her embodied expression of total freedom. Currently working on her second book, a memoir, Jen credits her success to the relentless pursuit of her calling, the belief that what she learns isn’t just for her own benefit and is meant to be shared, and a supernatural trust in what is possible.

Having lived up and down the East Coast throughout her life, and a free spirit at heart, Jen relocated to Boston in 2018. Her passion for exploring and experimenting led her to launch MagicalMindfulnessRetreats.com and the Funny Business As Usual Podcast in 2020. Learn more at www.thejenmoff.com

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