Understanding Your Secret Sauce – Find Your Connection To Marketing With Your Soul and the Soul of Your Business

“I have celebrated 10 years now of being on the air. Thank you so much for taking my call after the dream on December 28, 2008! You listened when I needed to put into words the prolific images that I saw that night in my sleep! Thank you. I still get chills when I tell people the TV show came to me in a dream and it was working with you Jennifer that allowed me to have language to harness the visions into words.” xoxo Donna

Is this you?

  • You are a powerful human being with a message of great service, and you feel as if you aren’t reaching as many as you can.
  • Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you what do you do and you stumble over your words, or you can see their eyes glazing over?
  • You can see and understand very clearly where others are out of alignment, and they “seem” more successful then you.
  • You know you are a transformational, spiritual rock-star, and your throat closes up every time you need to express yourself.

Recently, I interviewed over 20 individuals for my Soul on the Run podcast. It was a get-to-know you session to see if they would be appropriate for my show.

And, more than half of them were unclear about their sacred purpose and how to express it. And, more than half of them used the industry buzz words: empowerment, transformational, power, prosperity, life coach, etc.

Don’t get me wrong. I love these words. I have used them myself, BUT in these cases, there was no feeling or vibration behind these words.

Most people know me as a Spiritual Renegade and the founder of Soul Language. In my previous life, I was part of a team of marketing and public relations bulldogs. Public relations firms called us to get their clients in front of the media. And, lately, how we market (or not market) as Renegades is so in my face, that I can’t ignore it anymore.

Here’s what you want your marketing to do for you:

  • You want to be a vibrational match with your community
  • You want it to be a reflection of your true essence (and not something that someone told you to do)
  • You want it to build community
  • You want to be tangible. I’m not talking about benefits or results (Yes, you “should” mention those as well.)
  • You want it to reflect your core message and the core message of the movement
  • You want it to be easy and true to who you are
  • You want it to generate clients

Here’s where most individuals fall down in their marketing:

  • Don’t do it because they are afraid to look like “those” people
  • Truly aren’t clear about how to express their sacred purpose and core message
  • Utilizing tools that someone told them to do and not ones that would make their Soul and the Soul of their business sing
  • Don’t tap into the wisdom of their Soul and the Soul of their business to understand who their community is and why they are a leader of this community
  • Don’t know their “secret sauce”
  • Stale storytelling

So after secretly conducting several soulful marketing sessions with clients and even conducting mock interviews…I’m coming out of the closet.

I’m offering a special – Understanding Your Secret Sauce Find Your Connection To Marketing With Your Soul and the Soul of Your Business session. After this 90-minute session you will:

  • Understand your core message and the core message of the movement or business and how to express it CLEARLY
  • Understand your community on a soul level
  • Understand what marketing tactics resonate with you
  • Understand your “secret sauce”
  • Understand what you want to do with marketing every day, monthly, quarterly and yearly
  • Have several topics to discuss with media, during telesummits, and other marketing vehicles
  • Feel confident expressing what you do and the what the business/movement offers
  • And, have several marketing tactics to incorporate into your business right now

“Jennifer’s Secret Sauce session re-ignited the part of me who is excited to get my message out in a bigger way (and before this session I would have labeled myself as a very reluctant marketer, relying primarily on word of mouth advertising). The session was part Divine Download, part accountability, part uncovering where I can ask deeper questions, part specific ideas. And leading the entire conversation was the core message of my movement (During the session, Jennifer helped me identify the deepest layer). The result: I am confident that, as I incorporate all of the wisdom from this session when I connect with others through my marketing, they will *feel* who I am, and those who are a match to my movement will join me. Hard to believe I’m saying this, but I can’t wait to finalize my marketing plan and get out there.”
– Jennifer Bloome – www.JenniferBloome.com

“Jennifer helped me understand my tribe, what’s important in my marketing and message, how to best connect with my people, and aligned ways to share my message.”
– Nat Couropmitree – allowlovein.com

Investment: $475.00*

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