Harnessing Your Greatness

If you want to have a significant impact on the world, then your belief structure, business systems, and everything about you needs to reflect that.

Most Renegades hold themselves back because they don’t know how to be that big and STILL be and live on purpose. Are you holding yourself back?

Do you have thoughts that cycle through your mind about your greatness?

Thoughts like,

  • I know there is something bigger here…
  • People will find out I’m a fraud
  • I will be labeled one of “those” people. The ones who are out of integrity . . .
  • I’ll have to leave the people I love behind as I expand and grow
  • I will have to give up my freedom
  • I’ll end up responsible for everyone as I step into the “bigger”

Are you saying these things about your business?

  • No matter what I do, my client list never seems to get any bigger
  • All those marketing tactics don’t work for me because my business is built on relationships
  • How can I make an impact in the world when my community is so small?

What if I told you that to harness your greatness you must resolve these fears from within first, and then create a tangible structure that expresses your greatness to the world? There is part of you that already knows this to be true and is exhausted from thinking about trying to do it all alone.

You can’t fake what comes from the Soul

What you require now are strategies and techniques created by you and your Soul to help you move forward!

No one has authority over you and no one else can tell you what is in your greatest good. However, there are frameworks and tools which can support you both internally and externally as you harness and express your greatness, and I am truly excited to provide you with that structure in a new 6-month program.

The synthesis of over 20 years of deep study

This program contains all my wisdom and experience (to date) of Soul and business. It is an intimate collective for individuals who are weary of being poised on the cusp of prominence and celebrity. I understand the Soul and the processes of physically creating in the world for business and life.

By using Soul Language, which is the only paradigm putting tangibility to Soul, you will be creating from a platform of profound consciousness. This allows you to hit the mark you are aiming for, rather than tossing efforts out randomly and hoping things will land and grow.

During our six months together, you will learn to deeply connect to your inner power and Divinity, and discern how to access the storehouses of unlimited goodness to move that from the intangible to the tangible.

What will your life be like during and after this program? You will have discovered:

  • A new sense of profound freedom – you will no longer feel bound by worry, doubt, financial distress, or any of the challenges we tend to get distracted by.
  • A new sense of safety about being an introvert and stepping into the spotlight.
  • An understanding of how to align with Divine right action.
  • A deeper understanding of your message, spiritual platform, and the tangible structure to release that to the world.
  • An understanding of your power and how to harness it to achieve your desires and goals
  • A clearer understanding of how the laws of the Universe work, and more importantly, the implementation of those laws.
  • A tangible strategy to use in the “real world” for who you are, who your business is, and what you both bring to the world.
  • An understanding of your role as a Roquero (one of my favorite words in Spanish: ROCKER) – in other words . . . understanding your role in the spotlight, declaring it, and claiming it.

The elements of this exclusive program, begins Monday, December 19th, and ends on Monday, May 15th at 10:00 am PT, 11:00 am MT, Noon CT, and 1:00 pm ET.

  • One-on-one half-day retreat with Jennifer (4 hours; in person or via Zoom)
  • Soul Language Identification*
  • Business Soul Language Identification*
  • 2 45-minute sessions per month for six months
  • 1 90-minute strategy/vision call (one-on-one)
  • 1 60-minute group session per month for six months
  • 2 15-minute 911 support calls per month (to provide you with additional support)
  • Access to Jennifer via email for support
  • Access to The Business of Soul content library (with over 15 different categories of consciousness-evolving tools)
  • 1 45-minute end-of-program wrap-up/celebration call (one-on-one)

*If these two sessions have previously been conducted, you can use these times to focus on a topic of your choice.

A little about the group interactive expansion classes:

Topics are:

  • A Star is Born…Your Rockstar Vision and Spirit – Monday, December 19th
  • Creating Your Inner and External Strategy for Greatness – Monday, January 16th
  • Letting Go Of Heartbreak That Keeps Your Greatness at Bay – Monday, February 20th
  • Breaking Down the Barriers of Illusion That Keep You Out of the Spotlight – Monday, March 20th
  • Understanding Your Combination of Brilliance – Accepting Your Humanness to Harness Your Soul – Monday, April 17th
  • Showtime! Understanding the YOU in YOUR Greatness – Monday, May 15th

How Do You Know The Harnessing Your Greatness Program Is For You?
The first program I ever experienced in 2004 was more money than I spent on my trip to Russia. It was the scariest thing I had ever done and, in my Soul, I knew it was the right choice. That’s how you know if this is for you. That program was only 12 weeks. As a result of jumping into the scariest experience of my life, at the end of those 3 months, I was not the same individual who had started the program. I was at the jumping-off point for expanding into the person you see and know today.

I went into that program so angry and frustrated, knowing there was something big inside me, and not understanding how to “get it out”. I have come a long way, both in spirit and tangibility. If you know that there is greatness in you and you’re ready to unleash it, then this is for you!

Where do you fall on the greatness scale?  Take the following three-question quiz to understand your greatness quotient.

Investment: $6,000.00

$1,010 per month for six months

This special program is limited to 6 individuals.

Click here to watch Rachel Alexandria’s video

Working with the Best
“Working with Jennifer is the BEST! She has a way of translating what is unclear into a crystal clarity that is easily understood. And she makes sense!! Her connection to the Divine never ceases to amaze me. She makes all subjects have more meaning and understanding. And she does this in just a few seconds. She helps me put words to what I am attempting to express. I go back and listen to sessions and continue to get more “A-Ha” moments. I highly recommend getting to know her.” – Tracey Neely

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