Exercises to Deepen Your Relationship with Your Languages

When we are building or deepening a relationship with our Soul, it is beneficial to take time and consciously connect to our Soul Language Team – either individual Languages or all three.

Over time, I have developed exercises and questions that are specific to individual Languages. These brief exercises can:

  • Support your profound growth
  • Be listened to again and again to receive deeper answers
  • Allow you to take your mind out of the equation so your answers are clearer
  • Guide you to discover new skills about yourself and your Soul
  • Help you connect to Languages that you currently underuse

These audio exercises/meditations are an easy way to connect to your Soul to receive support and answers, and build a deeper connection. They can also be conducted as part of your sacred practice and during times when you are experiencing a challenge.

3 Exercise Packages – $15 each

To purchase hit the link and add in PO Number Box which package you would like and the Soul Language Practitioner that IDed your Languages.

2 Exercise Packages – $10 each
Pleasure Seeker

To purchase hit the link and add in PO Number Box which package you would like and the Soul Language Practitioner that IDed your Languages.

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