3 Ways To Be Graceful

Definition: Grace– favor or good will

1. Saying Grace

How frequently to you offer yourself good will?  Today, just be aware of how often you are choosing something else over love, compassion, joy, good will, and grace. When you notice that you are not, just pause and simply say, “I offer myself and others good will.”  See how that shapes your day.

2. Gracing Us With Your Presence

I’m so glad you are here on this earth at this time. Thank you for all the gifts, talents and love you offer to the world. Who can you thank today for sharing their grace with you?

3. Fall From Grace

If you lose your footing today, if you fall down, if you judge yourself, if you misstep, that is your opportunity to discover how you get to explore more trust, more compassion, more love, more support, more honesty, etc.
If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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