Mini Shift and Pray

“Jennifer Urezzio has many gifts but her prayers are undoubtedly Divinely inspired! Thank you for offering this magical service, Jennifer. My prayer has been opening my life, my business, and my relationship with The Universe in the most wonderful ways.”

Jasmine I.,

We are all aware of the law that states: ask and it is given. And, sometimes the way we ask requires some support and help.

Yes, you know that you are an unlimited being, and sometimes, we are unaware of the limitations that we have within us. These limitations are impacting our prayers and our collaboration with the Universe.

I have learned that I have a skill when it comes to crafting prayers for people. And, when two or more gather to create a prayer, the energy is amplified, creating a more powerful focus for you and what you desire to manifest.

If you are a fast-moving transformational person – sometimes you need support and a quick powerful tool that you can use to shift and create something new in your life.

During your Mini Shift and Pray session you receive:

  • Jennifer Urezzio, master prayer writer, will create a personal prayer for you based on her intuitive abilities and Divine connection
  • She will also select for you one of her 20 master prayers to support your evolutionary and manifestational process

Investment: $20

After payment is received, you will receive a questionnaire form to provide Jennifer with a little information so she can craft your life-changing prayer.

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