Power of Prayer – Utilizing Grace

I am a spiritual, non-religious person, so the first few times Jennifer offered her Power of Prayer class, I was kind of like “meh”, I don’t need to learn about prayers – and that’s saying something because I’m a fan of pretty much anything Jennifer teaches. When I finally took the Power of Prayer class, I was completely blown away. This class completely changed my understanding of myself, my own Divinity, and how to interact with the Divine in a brand new, more effective way. And, I have a tool that I can lean on as my connection ebbs and flows with human experiences. This isn’t just a class about how to pray; it’s a class that shows you how to powerfully engage all the resources in your divine toolkit for a life of more joy and ease.

Jennifer Bloome
Soul Abundance Guide

The Power of Prayer is designed and structured to help you understand and direct the Universe, and learn to redefine your relationship with the Divine. As a Master Healer and Coach (and, we are all healers and coaches on some level), if your relationship with the Divine is out of alignment you will create additional struggle in your life. If you are not directing the Universe for your own goodness, you will labor in supporting others.

I believe that feelings of “not enough” are simply miscommunication between you and your Soul. Your Soul is saying “I want more” and your ego is interpreting that as “not enough”.

I know from experience that true transformation takes root through not only conducting practices of awareness and realigning beliefs and unsustainable patterns, but also by having a weekly forum where you can be seen and heard.

Often a Master Healer or Coach only turns toward support when they are in crisis or up-leveling. I want you to know there is a better way!

I have designed a new 6-week program that is consciousness-expanding and will teach you to create transformation on an internal basis – which will then show up in your outer world.

This program is conceived to support you tapping into your magic within.

We all know that when we are experiencing lack or feeling stuck, it is because we are focusing externally instead of on our internal expansion and power. We also know that connecting and focusing on our essential nature and transforming our consciousness will alleviate suffering (both big and small) first in our lives, and then in the lives of others.

We forget the profound truth that it is all internal because the external can be so painful it derails us. A weekly consciousness-raising group supports your expansion of the internal.

During this six-week program, you will:

  • Experience a brand new process designed with the Master Healer and Coach in mind to support your ability to call in what you desire
  • Receive a Creative Prayer tool to harness and focus your power in the direction that you truly desire
  • Utilize your connection with the Divine to support others (and the world) without it depleting you
  • Understand the suffering and separation in your world as a call for up-leveling consciousness and learn to transform it without attachment
    Discover and understand the big picture of your suffering and your joy
  • Receive support when you fall off the consciousness wagon and learn tools to help you get back on it
  • Understand what you need and want on a moment-by-moment basis
  • Revive or revolutionize your relationship with your higher power
  • Learn what “taking the consciousness high road” means and how to recognize it as your key to receiving

Why would you want to participate in this six-week program?

  • You want to alleviate your suffering in a new and more powerful way
    You know you are magical and want to tap into and utilize that magic
  • You want to create a deeper relationship with yourself, the Divine and others
  • You want to let go of hidden (or not so hidden) pain that is preventing you from being truly great
  • You are aware that your external world is running your life (in big and small ways) and you want to shift internally to create transformation in your external world
  • You are tired of doing this alone
  • You want to surround yourself with conscious individuals who are willing to go deep
  • You want to be profoundly supported
  • You want to support your community in a bigger way and not feel exhausted

Elements of the program:

  • Monday, September 20th – Monday, October 25th 9:30 am PT/10:30 am MT/11:30 am CT/12:30 pm ET
  • Each class will include sharing by group members, conscious expansion teachings and tangible tools to utilize the power of prayer – you stating the truth to create, expand and receive
  • A 15-minute one-on-one session with Jennifer prior to the program to determine intentions and release resistance
  • A 15-minute one-on-one session with Jennifer after the program to celebrate and be witnessed

This special program is limited to eight people. (This isn’t a marketing technique. It is so everyone can have time to share and receive).

Investment: $250

Prayer has always been my favorite tool, especially when I “needed” it! Jennifer’s “Power of Prayer” program has shifted something deep in me and in such a positive way, the prayer has become my everyday tool.

I always wanted to be a person of prayers, always in connection with the Divine. So it is not only when I “need” it anymore, and I LOVE this! This constant connection feels such bliss, and I can see miracles, manifestations, positive interactions in my life.

Heather Orman

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