Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart


Jennifer Bloome and I, Jennifer Urezzio, we want to alleviate suffering around money, so we created this 3-part ‘Coming Back’ online course which is full of tangible internal and external tools to heal the pain and create a new relationship with money.

This three-part spiritual money management series is designed to provide direction and strategy to rebuild and up-level your wealth consciousness.

It is about creating a new powerful relationship with wealth (which will impact every channel of receiving in your life).

With love and grace,
Jennifer and Jennifer

SKU: slc0001 Category:
Spiritual Money Management Course
A 3-part online course:

Class One: Taking Responsibility

  • What does responsibility mean?
    (My answer might surprise you!)
  • Acceptance.
  • Your relationship with money.
  • Energy leaks.
  • Money and Love
  • Connection with the Divine.
  • Healing the heartbreak
  • Power and Money

and many more…

Class Two: Understanding, Voicing and Accepting Your Heartbreak
  • 5 ways of dealing with conflict
  • Accepting and cutting ties with your old story
  • Understanding the heartbreak and letting go
  • The impact of personal beliefs and laws
  • New relationship with money
  • Activations
  • Staying present
  • Expecting

and many more…

Class Three: Stepping Into, Creating and Receiving the Possibility of Unlimited Wealth Consciousness

  • Layers in wealth consciousness
  • Different tools for understanding ourselves
  • Soul languages and Money
  • Power vs. Force with money
  • Forgiveness exercise around shame and debt
  • Connecting to your energetic wealth stream
  • Appreciation exercise
  • Resources vs Source

and many more…

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