The Business of Soul Principles

If you are not aware of “Conscious Capitalism”, this philosophy, which began as a book, has four guiding principles defining how to create and conduct corporate businesses. That information is excellent and very useful and yet, for the spiritual entrepreneur, I felt it was missing some fundamental principles of who we are and what we do.

Of course, we as Spiritual Renegades hold the same beliefs as the Conscious Capitalists. We believe in conducting business with integrity. The core ideal of conscious capitalism is to “achieve without losing your soul.”  The Business of Soul fundamental principle is to “achieve because of Soul”.

So often, when a spiritually guided entrepreneur opens a business, they forget one important fact: it IS a business.  All the training and intuition for oneself are forgotten when a master healer or Spiritual Renegade places a value on their abilities.

These principles are designed for individuals who have a desire to collaborate with the energy (the Soul) of their business in a new way and know that it takes active participation to achieve success. 

Conscious Capitalism’s first principle is Conscious Leadership. It’s about consciousness from the top down.  I believe Spiritual Renegades are already practicing being conscious and offering that to their communities. To create a business based on and guided by Soul our first principle is – Conscious Power.

1. Conscious Power

Conscious Power means not only being open, authentic and operating from a place of integrity – which all leaders “should” do – but also understanding that conscious power is being one with power. It’s being one with your own Divinity. Through total acceptance of your power, you are able to tap into the infinite and achieve what might seem impossible. Conscious Power guides you as you create movements, legacy and evolve. It goes way beyond living your purpose. Conscious Power’s guiding statement is “I know my power is wholeness and completeness and I must treat you as whole and complete”.

The second principle of Conscious Capitalism is Stakeholder Orientation. This is about “taking care” of all community members: shareholders, employees, customers, vendors, and being a leader in the community. 

As a Spiritual Renegade, our main purpose is to be of service, and I believe that our intention is to consciously treat all of our connections with love. The bigger picture here for Spiritual Renegades is to be inclusive and to accept their role as a leader – Conscious Community.

2. Conscious Community 

Many times, Spiritual Renegades disregard their own place and role in the community. This principle is about understanding the role of each member of the community: The Divine, you, clients, employees, support teams, etc.  A Spiritual Renegade is a master of service and is often so busy taking care of others they don’t understand or accept their role in the community. Conscious Capitalism believes: Take care of your stakeholders and they will take care of you. This is a true statement. Creating a conscious community is about listening to the Soul of the business, the community and your personal Soul so all are being satisfied and provided for. The driving statement for this principle is: “I am connected to Soul so I find an audience wherever I go, and that audience is also provided for”.

The next Conscious Capitalism principle talks about culture. I believe that corporate America has one aspect down that spiritual entrepreneurs often miss – Conscious Receiving.

3. Conscious Receiving

Your business is designed to receive. You are being provided for in ways that are both seen and unseen. Conscious Receiving is truly embodying the principle that as you give you receive. And, understanding your own personal formula for giving and receiving which will create a flow through service, not servitude.

You are already providing value to your clients. By communicating with the Soul of your business, you will better understand the mission, the message points, the services, etc. of that business. When you operate from Soul you also bring your own personal Divinity to your business. In order to be fully expressed, you must receive.

For some, it will be intention setting – for others, a sacred practice. Conscious Receiving, receiving without an agenda, is about knowing that no one is the source for you, just a resource. The guiding statement for this principle is: “I am loved, supported, and provided for, my resources are endless and I am an endless resource”.

The final and fourth principle in Conscious Capitalism is defined as Higher Purpose. Here is where the creators of Conscious Capitalism talk about having a higher purpose for the company. Spiritual Renegades are overflowing with higher purpose. Often, they can get stuck in that purpose which prevents them from moving into action and fully expressing it – Purpose and Action.

4. Conscious Purpose and Action

What’s the higher purpose of your business, and what are the actions which align with that purpose? This principle is about deeply understanding the purpose and the actions which support that big “why”. When we step into the guidance of our Souls, our business Souls, and the Divine, our purpose is always clear and so are the actions needed for it. It’s about embodying that you are here to bring forth your purpose through your business and every action will support that. The guiding statement for this principle is: “I am confident in my higher purpose and clear in my actions”.

If we remember these principles and allow them to shape our businesses, many of the challenges we create with our minds and any pain from those will fall away. When we stop chasing our business and begin operating from the place of Soul and consciousness our businesses become movements and legacies.  If you are interested in being part of this movement more, click here.

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