3 Ways to Claim Happiness

I have claimed happiness.  I have chosen to feel the sun on my face and a warm glow in my heart.  To make this declaration is an act of courage and grace.  Here’s a secret, though-it isn’t has hard as you think.

HappinessStop Basing Your Happiness On Another’s Perception

Say you go to a movie with a friend.  Your friend loves the movie and you dislike it.  Do you become unhappy because you didn’t experience the movie in the same way your friend did?  Probably not, but how often do you determine your level of happiness on somebody else’s experience?  After having an experience, take time to register how it made YOU feel.  Figure out what things make you happy, and then do those things!

Access the Knowledge In Your Heart

Everything you ever wanted to know about yourself and the Universe is in your heart.  The exciting part is that you get to discover that knowledge more and more each day.  Take a deep breath and create a conscious connection with your Tone Soul Language.  If you haven’t had your Tone identified, just set the intention to connect with that part of your Soul that is your Tone- your Soul will do the rest.  Now, ask your Tone to show you today one way you can access and accept new knowledge about yourself.

Love The Most Irresistible Force In the Universe

Love conquers all.  All you need is love.  Love is blind.  How many different ways can we say the same thing?  Love is a force that empowers us and enables us to achieve all that we desire.  What could you do if you felt this force each day?  What could you do if you chose to live life through Love instead of through fear, guilt, shame, frustration, or anger? Don’t get me wrong, all emotions are important.  But when you judge yourself you step out of this powerful force of love. Remember a time when you felt happy, peaceful and joyful.  Now, ask your body to spread that feeling into every other part of yourself.  Ask your Soul how you can bring the power of love into your daily life more.

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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