Every day on social media you see different entrepreneurs proudly declare their accomplishments. They’re making money, they’ve developed a name for themselves and they look great on paper. But most of these entrepreneurs have a dark secret and they don’t know where to turn.
I meet these people on a regular basis, through referrals, networking, or an in-depth conversation on my podcast. Once we get to know each other they share the reality of their life.
Playing Catch Up
These entrepreneurs are working as many hours now as when they first started their business. They’re always playing catch up, they’re stressed out and tired but they do get a lot of stuff done. They’re the go-to person for most of the people in their life and they’re known for making things happen. Because of their track record, they’re given the false sense that there has to be some way to just get caught up, or worse, there is just too much work to manage.
They often say things like… .
- I feel like I’m holding on to the side of the pool instead of swimming
- I’m constantly frustrated because I can’t get to the “real work.”
- It’s like I’m a pilot driving a bus, and wondering why it isn’t going fast enough?
So in desperation they search for answers: What if I get…
- another Virtual Assistant
- or pay more and hire someone else
- get a new software program that promises big things
- join a mastermind group
- read another business book
Getting Stuff Done
The number one goal for any entrepreneur is to get your ideas to execution. It’s really that simple. It’s not about managing all the busy work that gobbles up all your time, it’s about constantly being in creation mode.
That’s the only thing different from you or anyone you admire professionally. They’re able to implement their ideas!
The time you spend on running the business should continually be compressed. Your team should also be following the same formula. It’s not about dumping work off your desk onto VA’s and then trying to manage them. No! It’s about a set up that allows you all to create, execute and continuously get your ideas implemented.
When you can consistently get ideas implemented it takes care of everything else.
It will
- decrease your work hours
- increase your revenue
- create momentum that supports all your ambitious goals.
- give you a consistent income
- increase your visibility and impact.
Super Tool Kits
I help entrepreneurs create their W.I.N Team. You’re “what is next” team so you can get what is next. It’s all about implementing your ideas and making your ambitions come alive. We do this by implementing my WIN S.Y.S.T.E.M (save yourself stress, time, energy. money)and using our signature Super Took Kits.
When most people think of systems it sounds dry, boring and painful. I totally get that and I agree. Most systems and processes are set up from a corporate mindset that are more about liability than anything else.
My mission is to help you change your business and your life. I want to create a movement where entrepreneurs understand that their business should support their life and not consume it.
I want you to understand that trying to outrun the clock, get even more organized and catch up on the weekends is not going to solve any of your problems. If you learn one thing from me today it’s that you’re chasing the wrong thing.

Kris Ward is the leading authority in building your business by building your team. Kris is the founder of the Win The Hour, Win the Day philosophy. She helps entrepreneurs create their W.I.N Team (what is next) team using her signature Super Tool Kits so you can get your Idea to execution and make your ambitions come alive!!
After the loss of her husband, Kris returned full-time to her work as a marketing strategist. She was thankful to see that her business had not only survived her absence but was thriving.
Now, Kris has completely changed the landscape for entrepreneurs by sharing the successful practices that allowed her absence.
Kris has been interviewed by one of the original sharks from Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington, and ABC’s The Secret Millionaire – James Malinchak. She has been featured on award winning podcasts, radio and TV shows.
You can hear Kris on her own podcast – Win The Hour Win The Day, where she has engaging conversations with dynamic guests covering a variety of business topics so you can get to your next win now!