Are You Smothered By Other People’s Voices?

What does it sound like in your head? Is it a machine gun of voices “telling you” what to do and who to be? Do you know deep down inside that there is something bigger for you? Today’s tip is to help you connect to that deeper part of you.

Take a deep breath, focus on your tailbone, and connect to your Soul via your Soul Language Team. Take a moment and feel that pipeline between you and the Divine.

Now, ask the Divine to show you, in your body, what it would feel like to be free of everyone else’s voice but your own, what it would feel like to act and speak on your deep truth.

When you expressed that moment, what happened to the voices in your head? Feel that moment again and ask yourself this question.

What would you be, say and do today, now that you let go of the voices?

I suggest you allow yourself to take action on that question.

Want to feel connected, supported and provided for? Want to know that the Divine has your back (or has your back in a bigger way)? I suggest you reach out to me to chat about how the Spiritual Renegade Program can support your wants, needs and desires.

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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