Expeditions in Faith: Choosing Your Divinity

This is all about you making a choice to be one with the Divine and to experience your Divinity more in each experience of your life.  So, let’s start with a couple of questions:

Create a conscious connection with your Soul via your Soul Language team.

“What is your greatest desire?”

“What choices are you making in your life based on this desire?” (list both positive and not)

So at this point you have some new or deeper awareness about yourself and you have a sense of your patterns based on this desire.

Now, let’s see how we can start turning more to the Divine, the knowing that this desire is a sealed deal.

“What do you have already inside of you that you can activate when you notice feelings of not getting what you desire surfacing?”

Now, ask your body to fill your body with the knowing and expression with the answer that you received above…

The idea is to keep activating that each time you move into fear. This will allow you to keep turning towards your own Divinity.

Action Steps: I would love to hear your answers and you can share them in the community or on the Facebook page, Expeditions in Faith.

Do you feel you need more tools?  I invite you to The Year of Consciousness.

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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