How can you build trust in yourself and the Divine? I think it all goes back to the moment you feel that you “blew” your own trust. The moment that you made a free-will choice that crossed a Soul value for yourself.
And I’m going to call that moment the “Moment of Non-Forgiveness.” Basically, you are holding a very big grudge against yourself and the Divine. And this is resulting in a lack of honesty, trust and faith in yourself and therefore, the Divine.

Please note that sometimes, this “Moment of Non-Forgiveness” wasn’t even a conscious choice you made, but you are blaming yourself.
So how do you determine the “Moment of Non-Forgiveness” (honesty), move into forgiveness (trust), and then reconnect with your own power and the power of the Divine (faith)? I wish I could give you a three-step process, fairy dust and coffee with God to help you (and of course me) do all this…What I can provide for you are some starting points and those are below.
Create a conscious connection with your Soul via your Soul Language Team. If you don’t know your Soul Language Team, set the intention to connect with your Soul (and then let go of any doing it right or doing it wrong).
Ask your Soul the following questions:
What is an experience in my life that I’m holding shame around and that I can’t forgive myself for? (honesty)
What would it feel like if I could hand this burden over to the Divine? After you answer this question, say the statement below filling in the blank with the answer to the question above.
Divine Intelligence, fill my body with the knowing and the expression of trust and ________. (trust)
What kind of relationship would I like to have with myself and the Divine? (faith)
I want you to know that this topic is vast, that we are only touching the surface, and that the first step is the willingness to be honest, to trust and have faith.
Action Steps: I would love to hear your answers and you can share them in the community or on the Facbook page Expeditions in Faith.
Do you feel you need more tools, I invite you to The Year of Consciousness.
If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.
Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.