Learning To Give (and Receive) Again – Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart

‘Tis the season of giving (and receiving) and when you think about that, does your heart beat a little (or a lot) faster?

Are you having these thoughts?

  • how will I pay for it all?
  • how can I enjoy this season knowing what the bills in January are going to look like?
  • wait! really? it’s that time again?

We have been there! What we discovered from collaborating with money is that it takes a lot more than just changing your relationship with it … it is also healing the heartbreak around your experiences with money (and around giving and receiving).

Thursday, August 18th at 12:00 pm PT, 1:00 pm MT, 2:00 pm CT, and 3:00 pm ET via zoom (Yes, a replay will be available)

During this chat, we will take your questions about healing your heartbreak around money and how to learn to give and receive again with ease.

We (Jennifer Bloome and Jennifer Urezzio) have been teaching, learning, and exploring this topic for the past several years. Every time we talk about this sensitive subject, some new piece of Divine information comes through.

We believe in not just energetic tools but also tangible tools to change your life right now!

We want to share these life-changing ideas and some very useful, practical information during this interactive, virtual 45-minute class.

What we have come to understand is that the most powerful acts you can do are to surrender and forgive.

Join us to ask your questions and receive real support and guidance. You will also have an opportunity to take this work with money further through our online course which will be offered at a special investment price just for you!

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