Beyond The Veil – With Medium Gayle Damiano


Jennifer Urezzio hosts Medium Gayle Damiano for a 45-minute open session so you can connect with loved ones who have passed beyond the veil.

This free event supports profound connections and allows you to receive messages from the spirit world. Gayle is a gifted medium that bridges the spiritual realm for messages of love, guidance, and closure.

About Gayle

Gayle is the real deal; a highly skilled medium, transformational coach, and motivational speaker.

As a medium, she receives many questions about deceased loved ones and pets, and connections to spirit guides. As a coach, she helps her clients tap into their innate intuitive abilities and teach them to heal their body/mind/spirit and thrive in life and business through her unique, holistic approach.

In addition, Gayle holds coaching certifications in Addiction Recovery and Holistic Health. She is a Certified Speaker, Licensed Massage Therapist, Sound Healer, and energy healer.

Gayle brings a very high level of integrity and wisdom to her work and honors the paths of her clients in healing and transformation as they navigate life's many changes.


Join us Friday, June 7th at 12:30 PT, 1:30 MT, 2:30 CT, and 3:30 ET via Zoom link. 



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