Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart

During this audio Jennifer Bloome and Jennifer Urezzio talk about the Soul and money. Also check out the videos by clicking here.

Several years ago, I had a profound awareness that changed my life and ultimately the lives around me.  I became aware that I was suffering from some serious heartbreak around money.

And so, I began the journey of understanding, accepting and transforming that heartbreak around money and in doing so “took my power back” when it came to my relationship with money, wealth and abundance.

At that time, I was speaking with Jennifer Bloome who was having her own experiences around money and heartbreak, and was also in the process of redefining her relationship with money and receiving.

What does heartbreak around money look like and feel like?

It looks like:

  • bankruptcy
  • a great financial loss
  • not paying your bills on time
  • persistent feelings of not receiving what you paid for
  • feeling like you are always robbing Peter to pay Paul
  • a deep struggle in your relationship with money all your life
  • broken trust in money transactions
  • addictive behaviors around money

It feels like:

  • shame
  • lack
  • push/pull
  • victim energy
  • love/hate relationship

So what do two teachers do when they begin to understand a concept?  They teach about it!  Jennifer Bloome and I have taught our money course several times and now we are offering a special mini course as part of the Soul Expedition Academy.

On Wednesday, October 4th   (at 9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT and noon ET), we will be conducting a mini Coming Back After Money Broke Your Heart class.  Investing one hour of your time, energy and abundance can and will transform how you feel around your heartbreak over money.

As painful as those experiences are (and we’ve experienced them too), all that is happening is that you feel separate from your own wealth consciousness, your own connection with Source. When we feel separate from our higher power, one of the ways that separation shows up in our daily life is through issues with money.

We have heard it all before: “money is only energy,” “what you focus on expands,” and “open to the possibilities.” AND, it is hard to move into those areas of consciousness when the pain and shame are still having their way with you.

We (Jennifer Bloome and Jennifer Urezzio) want to share with you both energetic and tangible tools during this interactive, virtual one hour class.

What we have come to understand is that there aren’t any more power-filled acts you can take than to surrender and forgive.

As you surrender your past “mistakes”, your present pain with money, your judgments of yourself, your judgments of others’ money stories, and all the pain to the Divine, you are opening the door to your most connected, most plugged in, most conscious and abundant Self. Abundance is directly related to self-love. It is hard to love yourself while suffering with a broken heart over your past “errors.”

What will you learn and experience during this class?

  • Understand the decision or belief that created this heartbreak and be able to let it go and stop reliving it over and over again
  • Understand how to begin and continue healing the “wound” that is causing this conflict with your wealth consciousness
  • Understand how to remember and act from a place of power with money

What are you paying for?

  • One 60-minute interactive class and the recording
  • Receive one of your Money Soul Languages and the conscious/unconscious money patterns associated with that language via a 15-minute no-charge identification session (and if you haven’t had your Soul Languages read, you can also receive one identification via a no-charge discovery session prior to the call series)

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