Transition – The Universe Presenting You With A Way Of Expanding

prayingRecently, I was reminded about the portion of Eat, Pray, Love where the author is on the bathroom floor begging, praying, and asking for help.  You can almost see the click in her mind, heart and spirit: she decides to receive.

Transition is like that.  At times you are praying, at others you are begging, and sometimes you are asking.  When you make the decision to understand that the universe is presenting you with a truly amazing and interesting way to expand, that is the moment the shifts start to take shape.

What I have found with clients in transition is that they often can admit they are angry at themselves, but they have a hard time admitting that they are angry at the Universe or God.  Guess what?  The Universe and God can take it, and they don’t hold a grudge.

It is perfectly acceptable if you at first don’t see this expansion as an interesting or joyful experience.  Don’t fight that feeling, just sit with it.  Kick, scream, throw things.  Let it out.  It doesn’t mean that you lack faith or trust—it means that you are human.  Welcome to earth!  If you have kept those feelings in for a long time (sometimes for years), take a moment to consciously connect with your Tone (Language personality) for some Soulful guidance.  If you don’t know your Tone, just set the intention to connect with that part of yourself that is your Tone.

Ask your Tone how can you express the anger or depression that you might be feeling about your Transition.  Then spend all the time you need to express it, the way your Soul suggested.

After one of my shouting matches at God, what happens to me is that I’m left with a feeling of peace.  From there, I can start to see and feel how the Universe is presenting me with a way of expanding.

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language.  Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance.  Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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