Voicing Your Vision – Unlocking The Power of Your Voice To Receive

Our vision is always bigger than we are and it is almost always bigger than we believe we can fulfill. As Spiritual Renegades, we can see the big, big picture and often feel a deep sense of frustration and loss that we are not living our vision or creating a spiritual innovator movement.

Our mission, our purpose supports this vision. It is the “how to” of living by and in the vision.

Do you feel like your voice isn’t aligned with your vision? That you aren’t receiving what you desire (or even what you need), and you are tired of hearing that you need to let things go in order to receive your heart’s desires? You have tried all the tools and been “doing the work” and nothing seems to be happening?

Then, I have the program for you … Voicing Your Vision – Unlocking The Power of Your Voice To Receive

Are you a Spiritual Renegade? A Spiritual Renegade is someone who:

  • Is highly innovative
  • Is a Master healer, coach or spiritually driven
  • Wants to be of service in a big, big way
  • Is ready to change the world
  • Loves to teach and share
  • Secretly (or not so secretly) wants to be in the spotlight
  • Has an endless stream of wisdom inside
  • Wants to experience deep connections and community (and feels as if they never quite fit in)
  • Has a strict code of values and ethics
  • Is always rooting for the underdog
  • Is aggressively pursuing their dream
  • Is loyal, loving and compassionate (although they could use a little more compassion for themselves)

Do you have a big vision? Do you:

  • Understand that life doesn’t have to be a struggle
  • Want to change the world and be of service
  • Want to create a legacy
  • Know that millions “need” what you have to offer
  • Believe you can (usually) see the big picture

Do you know why you are falling down in receiving from your don’t-do-it-like-anyone-else innovation and your bigger-than-life message? Well, I sat down with the Divine and I asked … and here are some of those answers.

  • Spiritual Renegades crave support and are deeply afraid to receive it. They feel that if they “take” support that they are going to be indebted, have to change the way they believe in doing something or alter their rebellious innovative style.
  • Spiritual Renegades are afraid that, in truly receiving help and support, they will have to admit they are failing at getting the job done themselves, they can’t do it on their own or they aren’t as powerful as they feel inside and are afraid to use or admit that.
  • Spiritual Renegades are afraid that the money will come, or, that the money won’t come. They have all the same fears as the rest of the human race and that totally annoys them. They don’t want to be dumped in the haystack of humanity.

What’s a Spiritual Renegade? Click here to take the survey to see if you are a Spiritual Renegade.

Fear is a crazy thing for a Renegade. We want to fight it and at the same time it makes us feel as if we have failed, we aren’t strong enough, and something is wrong with us.

It breaks down our receiving and turns off our voice. We are told to focus and place our attention on those things that we desire and when they don’t come totally true, we berate ourselves. Why? Because these replicating patterns that are within us are sneaky.

As a Renegade, we are creating sabotaging habits because of an energetic block or imbalance in the throat – the seat of our Soul’s expression. This will keep you from accessing your full vitality, which generates feeling exhausted, scattered, dull, or may even create illness.

This three-month event is structured to help you discover and release the sneaky blocks in your voice, your vision, and the way you express yourself to your community and to the world.

During this three-month program (January 13th – March 16th you will understand:

  • Your Soulful wants, needs and desires, and how they are an important part of your vision
  • How to co-create with the Divine to receive these wants, needs, and desires
  • What parts of your voice and expression are out of frequency with this vision and how to realign yourself to express your vision clearly
  • Where your points of suffering are, and what keeps you from remembering that you are One with the Divine
  • How to receive support (from others and the Divine) for every part of your vision
  • Spiritual Innovator pitfalls and what to do when you are experiencing them
  • What resonates with your tribe and how to release community that is no longer serving you
  • How to bring in more community to move the vision forward
  • How to access your Soulful gifts to advance your vision and the movement
  • Your Spiritual Innovator platform and style
  • How to take your vision and create a tangible reality
  • Why your vision is always expanding, and learn to love the expansion
  • And be able to express your vision and what you offer in a tangible way
  • The business part of your vision
  • Whatever else the Divine has in store for you

Here’s my promise to you:

  • This experience will be life and business changing
  • You will be taken care of every step of the way
  • You will meet amazing people doing amazing things and create connections for the rest of your life
  • You will walk away from this program renewed and accepting
  • You will walk away knowing that you are a vessel of receiving
  • As soon as you secure your place, you will receive a packet of materials to start creating your vision in a more tangible way
  • This program is about learning, growing and expanding, and you will feel loved and supported throughout the entire process
  • You will walk away from this program with tangible results and a clear way to express and be your vision . . . and, receive from it

The elements of the program are:

  • One-on-One half-day retreat with Jennifer to focus on your vision and begin aligning your voice and tangible materials (4 hours; in person or via Skype)
  • Soul Language Identification*
  • Business Soul Language Identification*
  • 2 45-minute sessions per month for three months
  • 1 60-minute group session per month for three months (the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm Eastern: January 13th, February 17th and March 16th
  • 1 60-minute session with a voice specialist, to align your physical voice with your vision
  • Access to Jennifer via email for support

*If these two sessions have previously been conducted, you can use these times to focus on a topic of your choice.

Investment: $2,700 full payment, $910 three payments or $680 four payments

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