Wrap Up Holiday Happiness

This is the time of year when everybody is making a list and checking it holidaywraptwice.  Over the next two weeks, aside from running your business, you will be shopping, decorating, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, going to holiday parties, etc.  While going through all of these items on your list, you might be going through several spiritual transitions as well.

It’s coming up on the beginning of a new year, and December is the time we start to let go of the programs, patterns and situations that haven’t supported us in the past year.  This month, between the hustle and bustle, you will probably be reflecting and determining your next leap.  You can do this consciously or unconsciously, and how you do it is up to you.

Your Soul is an amazing source for guidance, the perfect resource to help you create a happy holiday season and end 2009 without a bang!

Below is a tip to utilize your Soul in wrapping up holiday happiness.

When you compare yourself to others, reflection can easily turn into judgment.  Take a moment to remember a situation from last year, where you left a party feeling bad or disappointed in yourself.  Your Soul knows the truth about all the value you bring to the world.  Take a moment to consciously connect with your Axiom of Translation (the how-you-will-be-known-here Language) for some Soulful guidance.  If you don’t know your Axiom of Translation, just set the intention to connect with that part of yourself that is your Axiom of Translation.  Now ask your Soul to show you an image, a word, or a feeling that shows your value here on this planet.

Before you go to a party or a family get-together, ask your Soul to show you this image again.  During the event, notice when you are comparing yourself to others and pause to feel that image, word, or sensation that your Soul gave you.

If you want to learn additional tools, join us on the teleclass on December 17th.

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language.  Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance.  Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

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