Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior.

To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just when I was feeling the growth of the Graceful Warrior, (as with all areas of expansion and growth) I decided to kick it up a notch and identify the Soul Languages of my business.

The Tone of my business (the Soulful personality of my business) is the Collaborator.   When I turned over the testing sheet and saw what the Language was, I wanted to cry.

Why? Simply, because in the past, I personally tried to collaborate with someone or something I experienced profound amounts of pain.  Gut retching, puffy eyes from crying, sit on the couch and eat cheese pain.

I could instantly see why my business was on a plateau and I knew that to bring my business where I wanted to go (and it wanted to go), the Warrior was going to have to be comfortable and embrace collaboration.

What was happening was:

  • My business’ Soul has a deep sense of collaboration and co-creating
  • My personal experiences had been painful (and financially) costly when it came to collaboration, so I was shutting down, hiding out and refusing to participate and listen to a huge part of my business

How did I embrace collaboration?  I created a conscious connection with my Soul and the Soul of the business and finally understood that I was going to be loved, provided, protected and provided for.  So in a sense, I understood that it was safe to be me in my business.  The warrior moved into Graceful and is backing the collaborated with honor and strength.

What happened next in my business and in my life?

  • There was an increase of joint venture opportunities and one person even said to me, “I want this to be a collaboration, a win/win situation for both of us.”
  • I’m more open to receiving so there has been an increase in revenue and clients
  • The business and myself are experiencing a new level of support

What I uncovered about this collaboration with my Soul and the Soul of my business was a new way to be a Graceful Warrior.

I was in a power struggle with my business. How did I find this out? Once I understood the Soul Languages of my business, I realized I may not have been fully aligned with my business’ mission, how it would be known here or its personality. Your business is a part of you yet has its own Soul — just like a child is part of its parent yet is a separate being.

If you are interested in learning more about the Soul Languages of your business, I invite you to join us on December 14th at 7:00 p.m. for The Business of Soul complimentary call.  Here’s the link to participate.

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