3 Spiritual Happenings To Be Aware Of

I have been noticing several situations from the community.  These are topics that several of you have asked me over the last couple of weeks.  When these situations happen, I feel that there is something in the “community” consciousness that is ready to be healed.

1. I just want to get THERE….

I know, I know…I have been THERE!  What if there was no THERE? What if it was all HERE!  This living for the future, this living for a life that is better than this moment is preventing you from experiencing the fullest of this moment.  Everything that you want has already been created in the MIND of God (this is the name of my higher power).  Imagine that!  Now it is up to you to expect it HERE and NOW.

2. If the Divine loves me, than why am I experiencing struggle…

The Divine loves you so much that this energy has provided you with choice and selection.  Yup, that’s right, you get to choose. The Divine does not make any distinction about what you “really” want or what you are asking for…So how can you change your relationship with struggle?  When I’m experiencing struggle, I sit down with my Soul Language team and have a conversation.  I also have been known to shake my fist at God.  God, always answers back with, “OK, do you feel better now that you have that out of your system? Are you ready to feel the love?”

3. Why does it seem that the people I feel are out of integrity have what they want…

Oh, judgmentville!  I have been there.  I will go there again.  Those individuals that perceive to get what they want are in alignment with what they want. Again, God is not Santa Claus.  There is no naughty or nice list.  If you ask for it and are in alignment with it, you get it…its that simple and complex.  If you tend to rent a lot of space in judgmentville, I suggest today you offer love to everything and everyone you are judging.  I would also suggest you check in with your Soul Language team to discover how you are utilizing judgment, in order to avoid healing something within yourself.  

Action Step: Today, be in the energy of love for yourself.  Notice how that changes your day.

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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