3 Ways to Be Abundant

3 Ways to be Abundant

1. See Your Power People – There were times where I thought I would never find my peeps. Those that get me and like me for who I am. I found them, lots of them! The photo is just two of them (Laura and Sandra). Notice your power people. Those that make you laugh so hard, that let you be yourself and are full of kindness and fire.

2. Work the Abundance – Don’t work against the abundance. Get in the stream of what’s happening all over the world for people — abundance. Wake up and say! “Universe I’m going to smile today and here I am ready to receive the abundance and joy.” You can also take part in the Abundance Project (I am!).
3. Face Your Fears and Laugh – What do you fear when it comes to being abundant? Do you fear that you will have to leave certain people behind? Do you fear that it means you will have to accept all of you and not be part of one of the masses? Write those fears on a piece of paper, then rip it into tiny pieces, place it in some dirt and cover it with some seeds of your favorite flower, and then use your fears to grow life instead of keeping you from living.

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