3 Ways to Master

As you know, a lot has been happening in my life. I have had some knock down, drag out fights with the Divine. There has also been moments of amazing grace. Recently, I had the pleasure of spending a couple of days with my good friend, Erin Saxton. She’s a Mentor (Axiom of Quest), Master (Axiom of Translation) and Intellect (Tone). Thanks to Erin, I got to meet and be of service to Lisa Nichols (see August 11th blog).I have known Erin for over 10 years and she truly is a Master of ideas. She has also been a Mentor to me time and time again. She has taught me not to take things too seriously. I know you find that hard to believe that I take things too seriously. She has inspired this week’s tip.

The Master (Axiom of Translation) Soul Language will be known as the “big idea” person. These individuals are really interested in “doing” the individual pieces to create the masterpiece. They are excellent big picture people. Just as a FYI, Erin’s company is called The Idea Network. She named her company long before she had her Languages identified. I’m so amazed how our Soul’s want to be a part of our reality.

1. Are You The Only Member On Your Team?
One of the reasons clients come to me is because I help them create balance. A lot of them have a hard time asking for help. Unless you are living on an island alone, there is no reason for you not to have a “go to” team. To accomplish what you want you will need to begin to assemble your team.

2. Who Are You Serving? What do you want to be the Master of? Once you decide that, it is recommended that you check in often to determine if what you are doing is serving that purpose. For example, I’m the Master of Soul Language, everything I do is serving and bringing that information to the world.

3. Accept The Power Of YouMost people worry what will happen if they put out to the Universe, that they are a Master of something. What is your worry in being a Master? What would happen to the world if we all accept our true power and grace? I hope, by saying that I am the Master of Soul Language, it has given you the courage for you to claim your Mastery.

Learn more about Know Soul’s Language at https://www.soullanguage.us/.

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