Are Your Past Experiences Ruining Your Current Opportunities?

In New Jersey there is this amazing drummer named Mark Wood.  Each month he holds a free drumming circle, but I don’t go there to drum.  I go there to sit in the amazing energy of the drumming. It helps me reground, and afterwards I always sleep like a baby.  Each month, I call a friend of mine and ask her if she wants to go.  Each month, she says no.

This past month, she asked me a few questions about the circle.  Then she asked me to give her a call again next month, because she explained that a prior experience with a different drum circle had made her resist trying it again.

What experiences from your past are currently ruining your new opportunities?  And how can you change your feelings about the past so that they don’t negatively influence the now?

You and your Soul know the answers to these questions.  Let’s open up a conscious dialogue with your Soul to help you understand yourself better.

Take a deep breath and allow your mind to focus on your tailbone.  You do this for two reasons: 1. It allows your mind something to do so the heart and spirit can steer the ship; 2. It creates a grounding effect.

Ask Divine Intelligence to create a conscious working connection with your Axiom of Quest (your mission Language).  If your Languages haven’t been identified yet, ask Divine Intelligence to create a conscious working connection with that part of you that is the Axiom of Quest.  Divine Intelligence knows.

Now, ask yourself the following question: “where am I currently allowing my past to influence my present in a non-beneficial way?”

Great! You now have some new information about you.  When you notice yourself continuing in that pattern, PAUSE and ask yourself how you can release the past so that you can see the situation clearly.  This will allow you to really make a decision that benefits you, instead of making a decision on auto pilot.

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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