Expeditions in Faith – Don’t Believe The Hype

It’s 10:01 pm, and I’m rewriting the newsletter. Why? Today was a day of profound experiences, and I want to share them with you. I’m sharing my experiences with you because I truly wished someone would have shared their experiences with me. I would have walked the same road, but at least I would have known that there was support on it.

I started and ended my day the same way — with radio interviews (very, very different radio interviews).

The morning one was the amazing Chris Curran (see below). We chatted. We had fun. He was open and loving. Chris is one of those individuals who knows that we are all one and this allows him to truly be present and supportive.

The evening one (I wish I could record some sound effects for you here)…
A year ago, even six months ago, this experience would have ended with me on the couch eating cheese.

Why? I can honestly say that I have no idea why this interviewer was so antagonistic. She believes we have a Soul. I believe we have a Soul. She believes in a higher power. I believe in a higher power. It “should” have been magic. It wasn’t.

I want people to feel connected, whole and complete, and personally, I don’t care how they get there. I asked to be more connected to the Divine and was provided with a tangible tool to do that — Soul Language.

But, she kept being snarky. What did I do…I let go and I tuned in. I felt that core inside of me, of truth. I spoke up and said, “Of course, I believe everyone is whole and complete” (and I’m rather sure I remarked, “If I believe that, then I must believe that everyone is whole and complete”). I was really aware that I wasn’t going to allow (in this situation) anyone to project their “stuff” on me. That I was going to be balanced, loving, compassionate and full of courage, because that is who I am at my core.

I’m so grateful for this individual. To allow me to choose something bigger, than this experience. To provide the forum for me to speak my truth and let go of the outcome in a deeper way.

That in stepping out into the spotlight, there are going to be people who love you and people who don’t. There are going to be high and low moments. And, none of that is who you are! None of that is about your relationship with the Divine.

If you focus on those highs and lows, you can get distracted from what is truth. From your connection. What I suggest (and I choose) is to keep turning toward truth (I am one with the Divine).

You can get distracted from your truth and your connection by both the high and the low. The key is to keep turning toward your truth. Keep tuning into your connection. Keep choosing to be closer to the Divine (and I really don’t mean to sound preachy here).

And, how does this day of wonder end? With an email from a friend, letting me know he is on the beach chatting with God. My reply to him was, “Tell God, I said hello!”

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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