Got Tools?

A client said to me last week: “I’m not using the tools we created together. How can I start using them more?”

My first response was: “Why are you not using them?”  I watched her move into judgment as tears welled up in her eyes. She explained that she wanted to use them and yet she was so tired and exhausted that she just didn’t know how to make time for herself.

So my question to you is: “What tools are in your toolbox that you aren’t using, and why?”

Below are three ways to start using your tools:

Morning, Noon and Night
Before you take nourishment of any kind (eating, drinking, sleeping), this is your opportunity to create space for self love (I’m defining that as being without judgment for yourself and/or accepting yourself).  Ask Divine Intelligence to place in your body a feeling of acceptance from head to toe.

From Your Mouth To The Universe’s Ears
It is not my suggestion for you to start policing everything you say.  It is my suggestion that you be open to hearing your word choices and the feeling behind them about yourself and your world.  I’m not suggesting that you remove from your thoughts and feelings all negative thoughts.  If you can do that, WOW!  I’m suggesting that you embrace that you are human and use words that are filled with that intention.

Loving You Is The Right Thing To Do
Loving yourself allows the space for others to show support and be supportive.  At your disposal is a community of leaders and healers — willing and able people to support you.  That’s the Soul Language Community.  On Saturday, July 31st, you have the chance to meet face-to-face with members of that community.  That community is also available to you via the community site.

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