What Message Are You Sending Out To The Universe?

One of the Pillars of Intimacy (you can read about the others in the October 19th blog entitled, What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection With The Divine?) is consistency. What have you been consistently telling the Universe, your community, your friends, your support teams and (most importantly) yourself?

The way to determine this consistent theme is to really listen to yourself, your clients and other individuals in your life. Remember, the world is our mirror so anything we doubt or fear is going to appear in our environment. If you are witnessing limiting statements, feeling and reflections, then this is your chance to send out to the Universe new information and develop a new consistency plan, instead of an auto pilot one.

Below is a simple way to connect with your Soul Language Team or your higher-self to create your new strategy:

Connecting with your Soul Language Team

  • You can see yourself in the middle of a circle surrounded by your three Languages (I’m visual and see each Language as a physical representation. By the way, I set the intention to attract a lot of community members that are visual because I feel it is an added way to connect with them.)
  • Additional connecting method: Just set the intention and ask Divine Intelligence to establish a working conscious connection with your higher self.

Questions for conversation and shifts

  • Ask your Soul to express to you vividly and clearly why you are of value on this planet and to your community.
  • How would you like to express this value to the world?
  • What forms of communication would you like to utilize to communicate this message?
  • What do you need to activate in yourself the ability to communicate and send out this message to the Universe in a consistent manner?

You know why you are of value. If you find yourself slipping back into your old consistency patterns, that’s your chance to reconnect with your Soul Language Team to once again feel your value.

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session. Also, if you are interested in connecting with the infinite and feel trust is a challenge, you might be interested in the complimentary class — Creating Tools for Trust.  Sign up here.

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

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