3 Ways to Be Of Joyful Service

Are you a Master of Service? Do you feel a deep knowing you have a gift to offer the world that is needed?  How do you give generously without attachment and give so everyone is served (including yourself)?  That’s the dance.  It feels joyful!

1. Does It Feel Good For Me?

I know it is counter intuitive to start with the me question first when thinking about being of service. If the act doesn’t pass the, “does it feel good” test, then I suggest you say NO!  Here’s why.  If it doesn’t feel good, it usually means that it isn’t in your greatest good for your life and your life purpose.  If it isn’t in your greatest good, then you can bet that it isn’t in that individual’s greatest good of all either.  More than likely if you complete that agreement with that individual and it doesn’t feel good, it will create struggle.

2. Is It Truly Being of Service?

Often we can be of service and provide support to another because we don’t want to feel “bad.”  Humans have a deep desire to love and show love.  We don’t like to see others in pain either, so sometimes we make some non-sustaining decisions.  This question is really about condoning bad behavior.  Here’s an example: a friend has asked you for advice for the 100th time about the same topic and seems to be not taking action of better choices.  If you keep supporting them in the same way, are you really being of service?

3. Can I Do This Act Joyfully?

If you are going to participate in an act and all the way through it you are going to feel resentful, then I would consider not participating in that act of service.  In order to be of true service, your heart, mind and body must be all participating.

Action Step: Today, I suggest when you go to say YES to something that you really check in with these three questions before you commit.

If you are interested in exploring your own Languages or offering that discovery to someone else, please secure a complimentary 15-minute private session.

Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive and the founder and spiritual director of Know Soul’s Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul’s guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

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