6 Reasons Why You Should Know Your Life Purpose – Guest Blogger Patricia Selmo

Is it really important to know your life purpose? After all, plenty of people go through life never knowing theirs and yet they seem to be content. After all, once you’ve gotten the good job, spouse and 2.5 children, what else is there? Plenty!!

1. Inner Peace – When you know your purpose, a sense of calm surrounds you. You don’t have to worry about what you should focus on

2. Clear Direction – When you know your purpose, decision-making becomes easy – if something comes your way that is not in alignment with your purpose, you can easily turn it down; if it does align, say YES!!

3. Financial Success – By having a clear purpose that you are passionate about (because if it’s your Divine Purpose, you WILL be passionate about it), you can easily make money doing it. Why? Because you have the passion that can carry you through the rough times. Someone who is doing something they aren’t passionate about will give up much more easily.

4. Marketing sense – When you need to market yourself to the world, it becomes very clear to you who you are marketing to and what exactly you are providing. You no longer have to be everything to everyone. There are some people who just aren’t meant to be your customers and that’s OK!!!

5. Happiness – When you are doing what you were put here to do, you are HAPPY!!! Yes, times might get hard and people can treat you unkindly, but you will be happy because you are doing what you were designed to do – it just flows!

6. Eliminate living from Fear – When you live a purpose-driven life, you are no longer living your life from a position of fear – for example, doing things because you “should” or because of what others will think of you or because of some dire consequence you believe will happen if you don’t. You will be living in a proactive manner guided by the direction of your purpose; not reactively out of fear. This is an incredibly powerful way to live.

Astrology provides a proven system that helps point you in the direction of your purpose. It can help provide you not only with the direction for your purpose, but clear guidelines around your strengths and weaknesses, your life theme and your life wound (what you have to overcome to be successful). Once you know your purpose and why you are here, you can set about making changes in your life to adjust to this new knowledge. Slowly you will eliminate things that don’t align with your purpose and draw things to you that do. You will clearly be able to determine if opportunities are right for you or not and you will have a sense of joy and fulfillment that can only come from living purposefully. And, you will easily be able to make money because you will be able to clearly define what you do and whom you do it for – an essential for good marketing.

You will be able to do all these things and be happy! What more could anyone ask for – so what are you waiting for? You will have in your hand a blueprint for creating the life of your dreams. Find that purpose and start living it – the world needs you and whatever it is you were uniquely designed to do! If you are interested in a free strategy session to determine if this work will benefit you, email Patricia at Patricia@CoachingWithTheStars.com.

Patricia Selmo is an ordained Interfaith Minister through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. She is also a certified coach trained in Emotional Intelligence with an MA in Behavioral Science and a licensed True Purpose Coach.  She has over 20 years of experience facilitating, coaching and managing professionals in the corporate environment. She now focuses on professionals who are feeling burned-out and are looking for more meaning and passion in their work and personal lives. She also loves to help you celebrate the milestones in your life through my ministerial services and can help you create beautiful memories in uniquely customized weddings, baby blessings, house blessings, memorial services, commitment ceremonies, etc.

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