What do You Mean I Deleted My Entire List?! Big Girls Don’t Cry and Other Lies

Sometimes I make a decision so fierce that once it is made, I don’t really pay attention to anything else. I decided that I was going to cull down my list and accidentally deleted the entire thing. 10 years worth of information gone in one second. Typically, in emergency situations, I tend to go into calm mode, but when I called Constant Contact, I was crying so hard that Russ (the nice man who helped me) said, “Madam, I can’t understand you, can you stop crying for a moment?”

After hours spent fixing (mostly) the list (and let me know if I missed something), life was sort of getting back to normal, and through this experience, here’s what I realized about myself:

  • You can be strong and show vulnerability
  • Crying is not a sign of weakness
  • Being human is just as important as being Soulful
  • You have to let go and allow the Universe to support you

My list of connections, community and potential clients made me feel safe – a false sense of safety. When you “make” something/someone/a belief your source rather than God (or whatever you call your higher power: Divine, Universe, Tree, Bob, Mother, Father, Cupcake) – you have already lost.

So my questions for you is: who or what is the “source” in your life? And, where can you tune into your Soul and the Divine in a bigger way?

Are you willing to move into a deeper trust with the Universal goodness? And if you are, do you have a strategy or a practice for that? If you don’t, I’m telling you, you will need one!

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