
jennifer urezzio, language, soul, spirit

Hello, My Name Is…

Whenever I go to a workshop or a networking event and they ask me to fill out that name tag that says, “Hello, My Name is…,” I cringe. By lunchtime that name tag will have moved from my shirt to inside my purse. Why do I dislike the name badge so much? It really doesn’t […]

jennifer urezzio, language, soul, spirit

Your Soul Is There for You 24/7

I’ve been trying to consciously listen to the messages of Divine Intelligence. Recently, while listening to one of my mentors speak during a class she was teaching, I heard her say, “Your Soul is there for you 24/7.” That thought was so profound to me. I wondered, where am I shutting off access to my

jennifer urezzio, language, self esteem, soul, spirit

3 Ways to Be Self-Aware

Taking care of yourself is the easiest way to unconditionally love yourself. Being self-aware and in alignment helps you create instant manifestation. So here’s to taking care of YOU! 1. Eat, drink and be merry Respect your body by giving it all that it needs. That means eating the right foods that help mind, body

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