self esteem

2017, abundant, celebrate, fail, fear, goals, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, law of attraction, money, powerful, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Identifying with Success

It can be very interesting to observe yourself through the eyes of others. What we may find frustrating in them is what we are really annoyed about in ourselves. So often we are entrenched in our stories of failure. One of the phrases I hear a lot is, “I tried that and it didn’t work.”

2017, abundant, compasion, consciously, dream, goals, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, law of attraction, Relationships, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language, success, support, transformation

Tangible Tool – Strategy for Receiving and Giving

Several years ago, I was in the post office waiting in line. A woman will a three seat stroller, which was loaded with packages was trying to open those heavy post office doors. I asked her if she needed help and she looked at me and said, “Nope, I’m fine.” She obviously was not fine.

2011, Love, self esteem, self help

3 Ways To Love and Accept YOU

1. Stop Pushing Yourself I realized this week how hard I push myself.  Packing boxes for my move when I have a fever, not a good idea and not very loving for myself. How hard are you pushing yourself?  Are you the type that has to send one last email before lunch or is working

2010, caren frost olmsted, celebrate, compasion, FREE, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, know, knowledge, language, personal, power, psychic, self esteem, soul language

Is Thank You Big Enough?

We hear a lot about gratitude in the age of enlightenment. Being a rebel, it has taken me some time to determine how I wanted to practice and feel (I mean really feel) gratitude. Recently, I have been overcome (not in a bad way) of feelings of deep and profound gratefulness. As you expand and

2010, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, power, powerful, self esteem, soul language

What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection To The Divine?

I’m really thinking about creating a reality show of my life. Why? Because there is nothing on TV that displays truthfully the daily progress of living a spiritual, prosperous life. I’m a spiritual leader and healer of spiritual leaders and healers. It has taken me a lot to proclaim that and it’s not something I

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