
2021, guest blogger, money

The Woo Woo of Money

By Megan Walrod Would you rather be codependent with money or create with money? Funny question, yeah? But you know, I used to be really codependent with money. (Just like I used to be in my other relationships.) I thought my very survival depended on money. I also felt like money had power over me.

2019, abundant, consciously, FREE, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, money, personal, powerful

Understanding Your Human Resources – To Create A Miracle

Congratulations! You have another new year to create numerous miracles. Well…in reality each new moment is an opportunity to create a miracle, but… There is this old joke: A terrible storm came into a town and local officials sent out an emergency warning that the riverbanks would soon overflow and flood the nearby homes. They

2017, abundant, celebrate, fail, fear, goals, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, law of attraction, money, powerful, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Identifying with Success

It can be very interesting to observe yourself through the eyes of others. What we may find frustrating in them is what we are really annoyed about in ourselves. So often we are entrenched in our stories of failure. One of the phrases I hear a lot is, “I tried that and it didn’t work.”

2010, abundant, community, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, money, powerful, Relationships, soul language, success, support, warrior

Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior. To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just

2009, facebook, FREE, god, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, money, personal, power, psychic, Relationships, self esteem, self help, soul, soul language

Hey, It’s A Good Thing To Be In Transition

I started this post a while ago but got side tracked by transition.  When I went to sit down and craft my blog posts this week, this one jumped out at me and I started to giggle. Why was I reduced to a laughing fit with tears rolling down my face?  I didn’t remember writing

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