
2017, fear, FREE, jennifer urezzio, Love

Memories of July

I’m pretty transparent, yet I’m also very private, and it is interesting that you can often read everything on my face and in my voice, but at the same time I think I’m rather good at hiding things. Death isn’t something you can hide from – it always finds you. On July 7th, my father […]

2016, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, Love, soul language

Learning to Love

One of my favorite songs to sing is – Say Something. One of the lyrics is: I’m still learning to love, Just starting to crawl. And, that is truly what being in the consciousness of love is all about…you are always learning. This exercise is to raise your love meter…I have also included one of

2011, Love, self esteem, self help

3 Ways To Love and Accept YOU

1. Stop Pushing Yourself I realized this week how hard I push myself.  Packing boxes for my move when I have a fever, not a good idea and not very loving for myself. How hard are you pushing yourself?  Are you the type that has to send one last email before lunch or is working

2010, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, power, powerful, self esteem, soul language

What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection To The Divine?

I’m really thinking about creating a reality show of my life. Why? Because there is nothing on TV that displays truthfully the daily progress of living a spiritual, prosperous life. I’m a spiritual leader and healer of spiritual leaders and healers. It has taken me a lot to proclaim that and it’s not something I

2010, community, FREE, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, supportive

Mission (IM)Possible

A couple of weeks ago, an Observer (Axiom of Quest; Soul Language) asked me what “mission” meant in regards to the Axiom of Quest (the Language that tells you your mission in life). Though I gave her my answer that defines that Language category in Soul Language, her question made me think. What if people

2010, bliss, community, graceful, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, language, Love, power, powerful, psychic, soul, soul language, spirit

What Do You Do When the Universe Sends You a Message?

You often see in movies or read in books the notion that someone is suddenly awakened spiritually. In creating a spiritual live, I have often wished for those moments – that instant that proves that God has been listening to me. It’s the flash to validate that I’m not crazy and it is possible that

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