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2023, warrior

Surrender and Peace: Embracing the Power Within

In our journey through life, many of us have experienced a sense of conflict and war within ourselves and the world around us. We may not have consciously chosen this path, but it was all we knew. For me, surrender was once seen as a dirty word, equated with giving up and failing. However, through […]

2010, abundant, community, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, money, powerful, Relationships, soul language, success, support, warrior

Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior. To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just

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