guest blogger

2021, guest blogger, money

The Woo Woo of Money

By Megan Walrod Would you rather be codependent with money or create with money? Funny question, yeah? But you know, I used to be really codependent with money. (Just like I used to be in my other relationships.) I thought my very survival depended on money. I also felt like money had power over me. […]

2021, guest blogger, intuitive, soul language

Exploring Spirituality

Exploring spirituality is a powerful mechanism for self-awareness, growth and evolution. Opening to spiritual exploration is for some, an ever-present call, for others perhaps a spontaneous awakening, or the result of a life-altering experience. Leveraging the Inspiration Whatever the mechanism, unfolding and leveraging the inspiration, insights, awareness gleaned from spiritual practice happens through anchoring and

2021, guest blogger, knowledge

You Just Be You

I held my first crying newborn at only 11 years old.  He was 2 weeks old and the 3rd child of a family I babysat for, this was long before cell phones and he was inconsolable.  So, I did what any scared 11 year old would do: I picked up the phone (a landline) and

2015, guest blogger, passion

The Kind of Passion That Will Kill You – Guest Post By Isabel Hundt

Especially in the world of entrepreneurship, we talk a lot about passion – Do what you are passionate about, and you will be successful. Passion is what keeps us going, what keeps us on track when things don’t work out as anticipated. In the dictionary, the word passion is described as a “strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything” (source: Being

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