
What Message Are You Sending Out To The Universe?

One of the Pillars of Intimacy (you can read about the others in the October 19th blog entitled, What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection With The Divine?) is consistency. What have you been consistently telling the Universe, your community, your friends, your support teams and (most importantly) yourself? The way to determine this consistent […]


There is so much power within the Soul Language community…I wanted to share with you members experience and expansions. This guest blog is by Colleen Keenan.  She is a Politician (Axiom of Quest), Sextand (Axiom of Translation) and a Captain (Tone). This is from a letter that she sent out to her fellow coaches. Being

2010, abundant, community, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, money, powerful, Relationships, soul language, success, support, warrior

Ways of the Warrior

So for the last several years, I have been having a conscious conversation with my Soul via my Soul Languages.  My Tone (Soulful personality) is Graceful Warrior. To say I have done a lot of talking, cursing, crying, accepting and embracing of the Warrior to move into the graceful part is an under-statement.  And, just


Eat Like A Caveman To Avoid Belly Fat…

There is so much power within the Soul Language community…I wanted to share with you members experience and expansions. This guest blog is by Laura Sullivan.  She is a Matriarch (Axiom of Quest), Nurturer (Axiom of Translation) and a Librarian (Tone) Most of my clients want to lose weight so they can fit into that

2010, caren frost olmsted, celebrate, compasion, FREE, graceful, I AM, jennifer urezzio, know, knowledge, language, personal, power, psychic, self esteem, soul language

Is Thank You Big Enough?

We hear a lot about gratitude in the age of enlightenment. Being a rebel, it has taken me some time to determine how I wanted to practice and feel (I mean really feel) gratitude. Recently, I have been overcome (not in a bad way) of feelings of deep and profound gratefulness. As you expand and


3 Ways To Be A Leader

I recently had a wonderful connection with the new president of the NJPCA, Brooke Manino. She offers a Leadership Message on her site each month (you can get it here). There was one on courage, which is one of my favorite topics, and that inspired this Soul Language tip. 1.  Find Your Own Style Within all

2010, I AM, intuitive, jennifer urezzio, knowledge, language, Love, power, powerful, self esteem, soul language

What’s Keeping You From A Deeper Connection To The Divine?

I’m really thinking about creating a reality show of my life. Why? Because there is nothing on TV that displays truthfully the daily progress of living a spiritual, prosperous life. I’m a spiritual leader and healer of spiritual leaders and healers. It has taken me a lot to proclaim that and it’s not something I

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