2011, guest blogger, language, soul language, spirit, success, support

The Super Hero Soul & Reconnection with Self – Guest Blogger Mandy Bobolia

Soul Languages: AQ: Pioneer, AT: Huntress, Tone: Conductor “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” ~ Christopher Reeve When I was first asked the question, “If you could be any Super Hero, which one would it be and why?” it was an instantaneous

2011, guest blogger

Sacred Feminine Power: What is it? What does it do? And how can I get some? [Part Two]

Guest Blogger Domenica Papalia Personal Soul Languages: (AQ) Mentor, (AT) Nurturer and (Tone) Connoisseur Business Soul Languages: (AQ) Peacemaker, (AT) Motivator and (Tone) Deliberator The days when women could be homemakers and mothers OR business women are over. Anything and everything is possible now as the mental boundaries we have set are dissolving. Innate in

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